x_Fragebogen 2020

Fragebogen zu BauZ! 2020 / Questionnaire for BauZ! 2020 Jedes Jahr probieren wir beim BauZ! Kongress manches zum ersten Mal, anderes machen wir jedes Jahr ein wenig anders. Ihre Antworten auf unsere Fragen helfen uns, den Kongress besser zu machen. Vielen Dank! Every year we try someting for the first time at BauZ!, other things […]


Questions? Ask the congress team! Dr. Tobias Waltjen und Gudrun Dorninger, IBO – Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie GmbH Alserbachstr. 5/8, 1090 Wien, Phone.: +43 1 3192005, E-Mail: kongress@ibo.at, Web: www.ibo.at

x18_Wednesday, 24 January 2018

  9:00 – 17:00 Architecture field trip. Guide: Ulla Unzeitig 9:00 Meeting Point U2 Messe-Prater,   Walk to 1020, Schönngasse 18 9:25 Plus-energy attic in a turn-of-the-century building featuring smart building services and monitoring data. Client, building services planner, guide: TB Käferhaus 10:25 Trip to Aspern Seestadt U2 Messe-Prater – Seestadt  11:10 Aspern Smart City Research (ASCR). Guide: Ines Weigl, ASCR […]

x18_Friday 26 January 2018

From 8:30  Foyer Stolz: Coffee 9:00–10:30 Room Stolz 1: Session 5: Building Information Modelling Chair: Helmut Floegl, Danube University Krems Paradigm change in construction. Implications of digital data management in integrated and life-cycle-oriented planning Lars Oberwinter, Plandata GmbH, BIM as a tool for the compilation of Material Passports and Life Cycle Analyses Iva Kovacic, TU […]

x18_Thursday, 25 January 2018

  From 8:30  Foyer Stolz: Registration and coffee 9:00–10:30 Room Stolz 1: Session 1: Participation in residential building and housing – experiences Chair: Karl Torghele, IBO Man in the centre of urbanisation Paul Friedli, Schindler Group, Ebikon The experience of La Borda, from the development to the project Luca Volpi, Societa organica Barcelona; Cristina Gamboa Masdevall, […]

x18_Put into operation!

What are the things that are getting up and running? Four topics will be dealt with. 1 Building operation within the lifecycle Building operation with an interest in energy efficiency, CO2 emissions. Costs and benefits of automated building control, costs and benefits of simplified approaches. Rehabilitations as a factor within the lifecycle. User satisfaction, indoor […]

Review of BauZ! 2017

With almost 300 participants in the congress and the accompanying workshops, BauZ! 2017, the 14th Vienna Congress on Sustainable Building, passed off smoothly at the Messezentrum trade-fair premises. The BauZ! congresses are held alongside the Vienna Bauen & Energie trade fair. Participants from Denmark, Germany, Finland, India, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Spain, the U.S., the UK, […]

Sponsor offer

Sponsor package 1 Info table in the congress foyer (foyer for breaks), full congress participation for 1 attending person Welcome on Thursday morning at breakfast before start of the congress ½ page ad in the conference proceedings (circulation: 500, available in book stores after the congress) Presence with logo on the www.bauz.at congress website Costs: […]

For Speakers

Plenary lectures Please prepare for a speaking time of max. 20 minutes plus time for discussion with the audience. Conference languages are German and English (simulta­neous translation German/English). Please give your paper in one of the two languages. You may use presentation software like PowerPoint or similar products. Please use data formats PowerPoint or .pdf. Our […]

x17_Info tables in the foyer

Could an information table be an attractive way to participate in the congress BauZ! 2018? Our information tables are placed in the foyer to the congress hall and are reserved for our sponsors and providers of innovative products or services. They can be visited by the delegates during the breaks and especially during the breakout […]