Thursday, 20 February 2020

From 8:30  Foyer Stolz: Registration and coffee 9:00–10:30 Room Lehar 1: Session 1: European Opening: „Progress in Building Issues“. Chair: Susanne Formanek, President IBO, Vienna Panel: Circular economy – towards a revised Construction Products Regulation Kirsi Martinkauppi, Chair of the Working Party on Technical Harmonisation (Construction Products), FinlandRainer Mikulits, Managing Director Austrian Institute of Construction Engineering, Austrian […]

Recommendable Events

Planerforum.Architektur, 9 May 2019, Vienna Building Lasting Change – Striking a balance between carbon reduction, health and resilience, 28–30 May 2019, Vancouver, Canada Future of Building 2019, 4 and 5 June 2019, Vienna

Recommendable Events

International Building Biology Forum, with field trip, 26 and 27 April 2019, Izmir, Turkey Planerforum.Architektur, 9 May 2019, Vienna Building Lasting Change – Striking a balance between carbon reduction, health and resilience, 28–30 May 2019, Vancouver, Canada Future of Building 2019, 4 and 5 June 2019, Vienna

Call for Papers

Building materials that persist – Architecture responding to climate and life cycle Energy-efficient construction modes result in the increase of the share of grey energy embodied in construction products – in relation to the ever-decreasing operating energy needed for buildings. Yet also in absolute terms, the share of the energy effort that is due to construction […]

European opening

In 2019 the BauZ! congress was opened with a special format: a brief interactive session was the meeting point of representatives of the European Commission, of the Austrian Federal Ministries of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) and for Sustainability and Tourism (bmnt) and of the Austrian Institute of Construction Engineering OIB as well as of […]

Manufacturers and service providers

If you have new products or services to offer, our information tables are an optimum choice for actively taking part in the BauZ! congress! You take part in a thematically-related plenary session as a guest on the panel and can draw attention to your offer by giving a brief statement (elevator pitch). In the ensuing […]

Friday, 15 February 2019

  From 8:30  Foyer Stolz: Coffee 9:00–10:30 Room Stolz 1: Session 5: Calculate, Simulate! Chair: Helmut Floegl, Danube University Krems Cost-efficient solutions for the thermal regeneration of geothermal fields Gerhard Hofer, e7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH, Wien Development and examination of a multifunctional façade for the renovation of post-war buildings Markus Karnutsch, FH Salzburg GmbH Panel […]

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

  9:00 – 17:00 Architecture field trip. Guide: Ulla Unzeitig, Open House Vienna Our architecture field trip provides you with best practice examples as well as unique Viennese projects in the field of refurbishment and sustainable buildings. Ticket for public transport required! 08.30 Meeting point: U2 Messe/Prater 09.15 Meeting point: Mariahilfer Straße 182, 1150 Wien 09.15–10.15 Passive […]

Thursday, 14 February 2019

  From 8:30  Foyer Stolz: Registration and coffee 9:00–10:30 Room Stolz 1: Session 1: Welcome, Panel discussion: „EU legislation for building issues“ Chair: Susanne Formanek, President IBO, Wien Board members of the BauZ!-Kongress, speakers and delegates present wishes and suggestions for the future developments of EU legislation. Panel:  Hatto Käfer, House of the European Union […]

Looking back on BauZ! 2018

Even more than in former years, BauZ! 2018 was an event taking place as well in the congress room as outside in the foyer. Interactive formats, introduced in 2017, became more prominent. Plenary lectures and special-interest workshops in smaller rooms were complemented by the World Café-type “congress at round tables” which could be referred to […]