Wednesday, 29 March 2023

From 8:30: Foyer TUtheSky: Registration and Coffee 9:00–10:30 Room TUtheSky: Session 1: European Opening: „Progress in Building Issues“. Chair: Susanne Formanek, President IBO, Vienna The new Construction Products Regulation 2023 Rainer Mikulits | Austrian Institute of Construction Engineering (OIB) From Demolition to Deconstruction and Reuse – the City of Helsinki Circular Economy Cluster Developing Processes and […]


TU Wien, Campus Getreidemarkt Building BA, Plus-Energie Bürohochhaus (Plus-Energy Office High-Rise Building) 11th floor, TUtheSky, BA 11 B07 und 10th floor, Seminarraum BA 10 A Getreidemarkt 9 , 1060 Wien, Entrance at the rear of the Audimax Campus Getreidemarkt can be reached easily by public: U3 | Volkstheater U4 | Karlsplatz Tramway lines on the Ring |Burgring […]

BauZ! 2023

Date:  29 and 30 March 2023 Venue: TU Wien, Campus Getreidemarkt, Building BA, Plus-Energie Bürohochhaus (Plus-Energy Office High-Rise Building) Welcome! Welcome to BauZ! 2023, the 20th issue in the series of BauZ! Congresses. This year, we meet under the motto of urgency. Instead of emphasising a section of the life cycle of buildings, we say […]

Call for Papers 2023

Our Topics The strong growth in demand after the Corona crisis led to a shortage of supply, which has been exacerbated by the immediately ensuing Ukraine crisis. Now, for the time being, everything is in short supply: skilled labor, energy, building materials and components, and – because of inflation and interest rate hikes – also […]

Thursday, 12 May 2022

From 8:30: Foyer Oktogon: Registration and Coffee 9:00–10:30: Room Rudolf Sallinger: Session 5: Restructuring Consulting Chair: Martin Huber / Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster Niederösterreich HAUSKUNFT – The Servicepoint for Renovation in Vienna Margit Schön / wohnfonds Wien RENEWnow – New impulses for the highly efficient renovation of apartment buildings and districts Thomas Roßkopf-Nachbaur / Energieinstitut Vorarlberg Refurbishment Meeting Climate Goals and […]

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Ab 8:30: Foyer Oktogon: Registration and Coffee 9:00–10:30: Room Rudolf Sallinger: Session 1: Framework Condditions for Building Renovation Chair: Susanne Formanek / President IBO Keynote: How to Get Our Building Stock Decarbonised Until 2040? Wolfgang Amann / IIBW, Wien Keynote und Talk: A New “Land Rearrangement” for Austria? Dominik Philipp / Dietrich Untertrifaller Arch; Christoph Müller-Thiede / […]

BauZ 2022 – Refurbished Buildings in Good Company.

Please find a schedule of BauZ! 22 here Conference proceedings, printed: EUR 25,– /  .as pdf: EUR 22,– Orders to Questions? Please contact us at or by telephone: ++43 1 319 20 05 – 40 Refurbished buildings in good company Buildings are being refurbished when their attractiveness or utility is to be enhanced or when a […]

Survey 2024

Every year we try something for the first time at BauZ!, other things we do every year a bit different. Your answers help us to make BauZ! better. Many thanks!

Virtual Exhibitors

Exhibitor at a virtual congress?  How does it work? For virtual exhibitions at BauZ! 2021 we go for a very simple and effective approach: You send us an invitation link from your customary teleconferencing software (Zoom, Teams and the like). We place this link on the start-page for our congress delegates, along with your logo and a very […]