Ab 8:30: Foyer TUtheSky: Registration and Coffee |
9:00–11:00 Room TUtheSky: Session 1: Framework conditions that help Chair: Susanne Formanek, President IBO Vienna |
Presentations and discussion
Opening Remarks:
11:00–11:30: Coffee break |
11:30–13:00 Room TUtheSky: Session 2: Refurbish Chair: Doris Österreicher | University of Stuttgart |
EnerPHit refurbishment of a Gründerzeit building in 1150 Vienna, Kauergasse 2 and centralised grey water recycling (heat recovery, irrigation) Helmut Schöberl | Schöberl & Pöll GmbH, Vienna |
The Elisabethines Vienna – a prime example of inner-city redensification Markus Hiden; Philipp Peneder| Delta Pods Architects ZT GmbH |
Impulse book presentation: The future of existing buildings – eco-social transformation of housing estates Barbara Weber; Laurenz Berger | PROJEKT, projektstudio zt gmbh, Vienna |
Discussion: Refurbishment: intervene in the existing building, develop the uses! |
13:00–14:00: Lunch break |
14:00–15:30 Room TUtheSky: Session 3: Material ecology Chair: Werner Merzeder | Business Finland Oy |
TimberBioC – Critical evaluation of the effect of biogenic carbon in wood products on climate change using dynamic modelling Tudor Dobra | IBO GmbH, Vienna |
Build-Re-Use: 100 per cent re-use and recycling for buildings with short usage cycles Veronika Huemer-Kals; Barbara Bauer | IBO GmbH, Vienna |
Maximising ecological sustainability in multi-storey wooden residential buildings: Findings of research project natuREbuilt Florian Teichmann | TU Vienna, Research Unit of Ecological Building Technologies |
14:00–15:30 Seminar Room BA 10A: Workshop 1 : FLUCCO+ – Komfort in energieflexiblen, CO2-neutralen Quartieren. Chair: Thomas Zelger | FH Technikum Wien
Diskussion |
15:30–16:00: Coffee break |
16:00–17:30 Seminar Room BA 10A: Workshop 2: Klimagemeinschaften unterstützen die Dekarbonisierung in Bestandsquartieren. Chair: Thomas Zelger | Univ. of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
16:00–18:00 Room TUtheSky: : Workshop 3: Future-orientated building concepts with clay, wood, straw and hemp. Chair: Karin Stieldorf | TU Vienna, Institute of Architecture and Design |
Programme subject to changes!