Friday, 15 February 2019


From 8:30  Foyer Stolz: Coffee
9:00–10:30 Room Stolz 1: Session 5: Calculate, Simulate!
Chair: Helmut Floegl, Danube University Krems
Cost-efficient solutions for the thermal regeneration of geothermal fields
Gerhard Hofer, e7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH, Wien
Development and examination of a multifunctional façade for the renovation of post-war buildings
Markus Karnutsch, FH Salzburg GmbH

Gerhard Leibetseder, IBS-Technisches Büro, Linz
Paul Wegerer, Gassner & Partner Baumanagement GmbH, Thomas Bednar, TU Wien

10:30–11:00 Foyer Stolz: Coffee break
11:00–12:30 Room Stolz 1: Session 6: Realise, Build, Dismantle!
Moderation: Veit Christoph Muss, FH Technikum Wien
Construction schedule as challenge in renovation projects with façade-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV)
Karl Viridén, Viridén + Partner AG, Zurich
CoolAIR: Box windows 2.0 – Retrofit for automated ventilation and shading
Markus Winkler, Donau-Universität Krems

Tobias Steiner, IBO GmbH, Wien
Renee Wansdronk, Wansdronk Architektur, Amsterdam
Christian Prischl/Manuel Wesentslintner, Röfix AG, Röthis

10:30–16:00 Foyer Stolz : Talks at the exhibitor’s desks
12:30–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–15:30 Foyer Stolz: Session 7: Outbreak session (Congress at Round Tables)
Chair: Werner Merzeder, Embassy of Finland, Vienna, Michaela Smertnig, ecoplus, St.Pölten
Table A

  1. Adding storeys in timber construction to existing building objects – renovation an densification. Options and limitations  from a fire-protection perspective.
    Gerhard Leibetseder, IBS-Technisches Büro, Linz
  2. Using basements in a high-quality fashion – Urban densification without increasing the heating energy demand
    Paul Wegerer, Gassner & Partner Baumanagement GmbH, Wien

Table B

  1. Analysis and assessment of insulation measures in the renovation of old building stock
    Tobias Steiner, IBO GmbH, Wien
  2. CHESS-SETUP & EMPORIUM – Long term energy storage
    Renee Wansdronk, Wansdronk Architektur, Amsterdam

Table C

  1. RÖFIX Fixit 222 Aerogel high performance insulation plaster – An innovative material, perfect for building
    Christian Prischl/Manuel Wesentslintner, Röfix AG, Röthis
  2. [The breathing house – A winery in Burgenland (cancelled)
    Rupert Zallmann, MADAME Architects, Wien; Jörgen Hempel, Hemp Eco Systems, Orbe (CH)]

Table D

  1. Professional mould monitoring with umidus
    Thomas Bernd, Kühnel Electronic GesmbH, Wien
  2. baubook – the multitool for procurement
    Andreas Krenauer, baubook GmbH, Wien
15:00–15:30 Saal Stolz 1 : Session 8: Conclusion. Chair: Tobias Waltjen, IBO, Wien
BauZ! Advisory Panel & Congress Delegates: “What did we learn?”, Outlook on BauZ! 2020
15:30–16:00 Coffee break
14:00–17:00 Saal Schubert 1: NutzerInnen in energieautonomen Gebäuden und Quartieren: Komfort und Anwendungsfreundlichkeit für alle? (German only)
Moderation: Thomas Zelger, Stadt Wien Stiftungsprofessor für energieeffiziente und nutzerInnenfreundliche Gebäude und Quartiere, Forschungsbereich Renewable Energy Systems, Fachhochschule Technikum Wien. Elisabeth Kerschbaum MSc, IBO. Detailled programme
15:30–17:30 Room Schubert 2: Workshop Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) – (German only)
Chair: Sarah Richter, EPD GmbH, Wien
16:00 Guided Tour INNOVATION through the fair Bauen&Energie
Meeting Point: Hall A, “Baurettungsgasse”. Guide: Heinrich Schuller, ATOS Architekten
From 18:00 Come Together in the fair hall A, Baurettungsgasse! Invitation

Programme subject to changes!

Go to Wednesday’ program
Go to Thursday’s programme