Date: 29 and 30 March 2023
Venue: TU Wien, Campus Getreidemarkt,
Building BA, Plus-Energie Bürohochhaus
(Plus-Energy Office High-Rise Building)
Welcome to BauZ! 2023, the 20th issue in the series of BauZ! Congresses. This year, we meet under the motto of urgency. Instead of emphasising a section of the life cycle of buildings, we say „All at once and on the spot!“
The urgency is due to actual, and even more, future shortages. Shortage is everywhere: skilled manpower, energy, (temporarily) building materials and components, and – due to inflation and increased interest rates – also money. We are running short of fertile soil and water. And, yes, to be short of inclination to change behaviours and attidudes may explain all the other shortages.
New is our venue: We are hosted by the Technical University of Vienna in their room „TU the Sky“ on top of their Plus-Energy Office High-Rise Building with a splendid view over Vienna.
A lovely tradition is, by contrast, the reception by the Embasssy of Finland in Vienna on Wednesday evening.
New is a congress programme that has been shortened to two mornings. We open with
- circular economy and with
- advances with the measurement of thermal comfort. We proceed with
- neighbourhood development and
- progress with integration of eco-data into BIM software. On Thursday morning we get
- presentations of new constructions and materials followed by
- remarkable new building projects.
This short update is complemented with an unpredecedented range of six workshops taking place in the afternoons. Choose from:
- Final presentations of large research projects (1, 4),
- fostering cooperation and research partnerships between Austria and Ukraine (2) and generally in Europe (6),
- results of consultations with producers of a key building material (3) and
- an overview on renovation options (5).
We look forward to see you at the congress!
We would like to express our gratitude for the generous sponsorship by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action (BMK), for the support by the Technical University Vienna, the Bau.Energie.Umweltcluster Lower Austria, baubook GmbH, Business Finland as well as Advantage Austria, the Foreign Trade Office of the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO),