Call for Papers 2025

Keep building? How do you do it? The green transition is driving innovation and investment in clean technologies. A committed sustainability transformation offers opportunities for growth and competitiveness. If you have collected good and, above all, new experiences with one or more of the development topics listed here in your research, planning or construction projects, […]

That was BauZ! 24

Last year, the 2023 congress was held under the motto of urgency: ‘Less. But make more of it!’ The urgency arose from shortages of skilled labour, energy, money due to interest rates, fertile soil, water and, last but not least, the willingness to change habits and ways of thinking. Foto: © Enzberg One year later, […]

About BauZ! 24 and Friends

BauZ! is … a networking event for the industry since 2004. a specialist congress providing technical solutions that have already proven their worth or that are just becoming available. BauZ! 24 is about encouraging examples. We are looking for the exclusively new & disruptive: products, processes, projects, tools. In the mornings, forward-looking solutions and concepts […]

Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Ab 8:30: Foyer TUtheSky: Registration and Coffee 9:00–11:00 Room TUtheSky: Session 4 : TGA Chair: Tobias Steiner | IBO GmbH, Vienna Güssing: Pioneering work in sustainable building cooling – practical examples Christian Doczekal | Güssing Energy Technologies GmbH Component activation as a retrofit heat dissipation system in renovation projects Tobias Hatt | Energy Institute Vorarlberg […]

Monday, 15 April 2024

Ab 8:30: Foyer TUtheSky: Registration and Coffee 9:00–11:00 Room TUtheSky: Session 1: Framework conditions that help Chair: Susanne Formanek, President IBO Vienna Presentations and discussion „100 projects Out of Gas“: How to successfully switch to a fossil-free heat supply! Christian Preinknoll | UIV Urban Innovation Vienna ON271 goes Bauz! Will another standardisation committee help with […]

Call for Papers 2024

The first people who will live to see the end of the century have already been born: our children and grandchildren. The buildings we are considering constructing or refurbishing will remain standing many times over. What kind of future, with what kind of global warming by the end of the century, are we planning for? […]

Conference Proceedings

Weniger. Aber mehr daraus machen! | Less. But let’s make more out of it! Congress on 29 and 30 March 2023 at the Technical University of Vienna, Campus Getreidemarkt, 80 pages, IBO Verlag 2023, Print: EUR 28,–  PDF: EUR 23,- Order at or with order form

That was BauZ! 2023

Under the congress motto “Less. But let’s make more out of it!” and high above the roofs of Vienna … … in the TUtheSky room of the Plus-Energy Office High-Rise Building of the TU Vienna, the BauZ! Congress 2023 took place. It was already the 20th congress in this series. We welcomed … a numerous […]

Thursday, 30 March 2023

From 8:30: Foyer TUtheSky: Registration and coffee 9:00–11:00 Room TUtheSky: Session 3: Constructions and Materials Chair: Karin Stieldorf | TU Wien, Institute of Architecture and Design Cooling Potentials of Model Predictive Controlled Night Ventilation in Historic and Listed Buildings with Daylight-Optimised Shading Markus Winkler und Albert Treytl | University for Continuing Education Krems Renovation of Box Windows with […]